Chicken Wrangling 101 ~

There is an old saying that a picture is worth a thousand words.  But, when it comes to chicken wrangling, we say grab your cell phone and shoot some video – absolutely priceless!

Stay tuned for more tips, tricks and adventures in house sitting.


Les & Nancy

The Global House Sit Pros

2 thoughts on “Chicken Wrangling 101 ~

  1. This is great! You have done a wonderful job researching, planning and setting up your retirement dream! Greg and I wish you both all the best and can’t wait to hear all about your adventures. Enjoy!

    1. Thank you Peggy. I still would love to interview you and Greg on your part-time life in Puerta Vallarata. I got a little side-tracked with the new website learning curve. Let’s connect soon if you are still willing.

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